Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Slow to Start

As I review the few entries I've made in my blog, the phrase 'slow to start' comes to mind. This is my third substantive entry in so many months. Very slow to start since I have been taking a class that meets weekly for the past 6 weeks!!! My goal of using Web 2.0 tools daily has not come to fruition yet. The reality of using the tools for me has been more like 3-4 times a week. But hey, that's better than rarely!

Although I may not being using them daily, I do find myself talking about Web 2.0 tools with others. Most people that I talk to have heard the terms blog and podcast, but wiki elicites a variety of responses. A novices' explaination of the three exposes other newbies to Web 2.0 tools, and I'm proud of myself that I can explain them. I show them examples or tell them how I am using them. I'm telling the moms I encounter they need to learn how to use these tools, because their elementary age children will be using them soon! I know there will be something new on the technological horizon, but hopefully I can encourage them to not allow the gap to continue to grow. I know that time is the first hurdle moms must overcome, but all of us have that problem because we are overcommitted.

The teacher in me wants to teach others about the Web 2.0 tools. Maybe starting with my friends would accomplish two goals: introduce blogs to newbies and teach moms to be more technologically savy. Teaching them about blogs and sharing our experiences, frustrations and challenges as moms would make it valuable and doable on their own timetable. I'm going to attempt to start this process.

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